Monday 30 March 2009

Graphical style for 18+ identity

I have Been working on the typographic element to acompany the Ministry campaign
'Adults Only' Typographic design, inspired by neon signage/censorship bars

possible promo applications, poster etc

Dan flavin neon tubing

(untitled 1979)

Custom font and designs inspired by censorship bars/neon signage. certificate 18 allows censorship to be removed.

Here are some ideas for cd packaging for the 18+ campaign
Again the themes are obvious, in the sense that nudity and censorship are related to 18+ material.However, the censorship bar being a sticker pasted over the cover of the topless model AFTER the cd cover has been printed add nice original detailing.
The great thing about this project is that it gives me an opportunity to have some fun and be cheeky with my design. The detail on the cd cover for example is a breast, however this may not be totally apparant until the finger of the person using the cd is through the cd hole, (the finger becomes the nipple for those who didn't notice)
This has quite a clean graphical style, i also wanted to try a more 'sleazy, adult entertainment' approach

Due to the viral side of my project featuring the use of a projector i think its necisarry for it to be referenced within some of the other print based designs,

Loving the projections on the naked form such as Robert brown John's 'From Russia With Love' title seq
this would work well for posters aswell as some motion graphic work

Photography by Ceasar Lima

as well as projecting figurative images, type can also be given the same treatment
so nice images by designer Tobias Battenberg projecting Akzidenz Grotesque then photographing it

Found this fantastic designer Pedro Vilas Boas, just very cool!
loving the relationship between the big bold font and image, big block color

Another very cool image from Boas

Here is some more visual research relating to more adult themes.

I really like the sleazy feel that eminates from pornography circa 1970/80
The fonts, the colours, the hair all make for a very suggestive visual combination
Also neon signage has some great connotations, and fits with the clubs aesthetic.
I must stress that it is only elements of this vintage 'xxx' era that appeals to me, the faux glamour,lucid colours and design. If i were to incorperate this into my design it would reference rather than parody. this is a modern campaign for a modern club so the design must still be new and innovative.

Diesels XXX campaign makes good use of this, although rather than taking something and making it rude, such as Ministrys approach, it is doing the opposite, something very explicit into something 'acceptable'

This will help provide me with material for other aspects of the campaign such as logo re design, more to come....

1 comment:

dmullis1 said...

Love the cd label! Very Robert Brownjohn, but more up to date.