Tuesday 24 March 2009


For my Final Major Project i will be working with Ministry of Sound on a campaign promoting the run up to the brands 18th birthday.
This campaign centers around capturing the excitement people feel when they turn 18. Thus giving the Ministry of Sound brand a shot of youthful energy and allowing the brand to engage with, and appeal to, younger consumers.

The central concept revolves around the notion of "rated 18"
The campaign should be rude, sexy and exciting.

Other themes of the campaign include altering things that were once intended for a broader audience but by one means or another are changed so that they become suitable for adults only...


I have just returned from a meeting with Ministry of Sound and my core concept has been approved and will now be expanded.
When i filled out my FMP pro-forma i stated in outcomes that i wanted to work on a moving image piece (viral) and print based material (poster campaign).
At this stage i am concentrating on the moving image piece which will culminate as a viral/series of virals to appear online (youtube/ministry tv etc)


Ministry stated clearly that this is to be a TEASER campaign and emphasis was to be drawn to the "18" logo as opposed to the Ministry of sound logo.

The campaign was also to utilize guerrilla advertising tactics as a means to bring the 18 logo into the public eye, rousing peoples interest and familiarity with the 18 symbol in the early stages, without making a direct link to Ministry of sound. Ministry were clear in stating that the campaign was to have an 'underground feel' in the preliminary promotional stage.
The purpose of this is, when the 18th celebration commences and the link to Ministry is fully realized, sufficient interest will have been built up by the public and the final 'pay-off' that it is a Ministry related campaign should result in a successful birthday celebration.


Its obvious to say that nudity is an immediate attention grabber within campaigns and due to the nature of the campaign, nudity and partial nudity are extremely relevant.
So i began thinking of ways to do this in a new and exciting way.

The Idea i am going with is using Ministry branded streakers and flashers (young and sexy).

Ministry branded streakers/flashers become a live billboard solution as a way of catching the public's attention while promoting any information on the campaign that was necessary.

I would film, in a studio, boys and girls with not much on, running, jumping, undressing and dancing

The film will then be taken onto a digital projector and projected out the side of a moving car through the streets of London at night

This video 'Wildlife' uses one of the techniques i shall be using within my own shoot,
this was done by shooting a projector out the side of a moving car.

roof mounted projector,

urban projection is a really exciting and interesting way of displaying information to the public on a large scale

here are some excellent pictures taken by Graffiti Research Lab (1.) and FHM (2.) featuring some huge scale designs.


In terms of communication the method is very effective, i love the idea of any surface being fair game for you design work to become part of the city's architecture be shown by any number of people, making this a great medium for the Ministry campaign

Ministry streakers/flashers could appear in any public space. The movement of the car coupled with the running motion of the streaker gives a great effect, it also fits really well with the guerrilla aspect of the rated 18 campaign. the naked streakers will shock and generate some great reactions from pedestrians, and any information about ministry's 18th or the campaign could be incorporated with the technique (banners, logos carried by or on the streakers) these would be used to censor the streakers while providing a vehicle for information.

Here is a video by Toe Jam featuring innovative uses of the traditional 'censorship bars' seen on tv:

I visited a streaking website and asked what it was about streaking that was so appealing,
the main response was the attention and excitement, one even compared it to "being like a rock star" It was also freedom, to be rude but not overly offensive and i think that is in keeping within the ethos of an 18th birthday, where YOU are the center of attention and now that you are 18 you have all the freedom that comes with it.

(mock up 'flasher' image and FHM projecting Gail Porter onto the Houses of Parliament)

I would be projecting these images for 2 reasons. 1 is that the projector will allow any public space to be used (or abused) with varying sizes from life like to giant)

The second reason is that these young sexy people are clubbers, creatures of the night, they are part of the night life of London city, and having them appearing bright and luminous over London's architecture would make for an exciting and relevant spectacle.

Now the concept approach has been decided the next step is story boarding and location shoots...stay posted


This video 'Stress' by Justice contains an energy in which i want my streakers/flashers and projected youth to behave.
It contains real reckless energy and while it is far move violent than i want my characters to act, i still want them to be an army of the night.
The idea is that they will come out once the sun is down and gradually make their way through the city's architecture, corrupting london as they go

1 comment:

gdcomm poster said...

Hi...you appear to really be into this project, as evidenced by the ammount of work produced already.
Guess you're also having a positive time engaging with the client. This is a project with excellent potential and its good to see that you are 'getting on with it' and not duanted by its scale and ambition.

Regarding the client demands for the initial visual identity, (that will obviously have longevity and stand alone as an innovative example of graphic design practice), I hope you have sufficient time to develop this and it won't be rushed?