Saturday 20 June 2009


for a hi res version
go to this link (only works if you have a face book)


Tuesday 26 May 2009


Another quick update...

The viral has now been approved, the changes Yvonne had requested were made and now the film is ready to be shown on the the Ministry website, with the intention of being ready to be viewed for the show on the 19th

Here are some more work in progress shots of the Ministry birthday box set

Box with vinyl Ministry decal on lid

Layer under lid
Black plastic divider with 18 logo

The next layer contains the dvds (viral and slipmat videos)
the packaging works in a similar way to multi layered chocolate boxes, notice the cut outs for easy removing of the layer
The dvds are wrapped in a paper sleeve and also have a photographic design in the interior, both of which are being printed today, as is the Ministry Poster

Under the DVDs is the record sleeve

The record sleeve fits very snugly into the box so for to make it easy to remove from the box, this red ribbon runs
underneath the record and over the top, so you just need to pull it up and the record pops out

Wednesday 20 May 2009


Havent updated the blog in a while due getting things sorted
but i thought i'd give a quick update on what i been doing

The viral is now finished and has been sent off to Ministry for final approval
i have now been working on everything else that is coming with the FMP for hand in
here are a few shots of the work area and some of the work in prog in terms of material
The viral is fairly dark and all my accompanying graphics have been as well, so i wanted this to be evident within my packaging etc.

I am making this a quick update because i want to do a full update when all the materials come together, i have a record sleeve coming to me in the post for tommorow and a i am collecting a bespoke set of vinyl decals aswell

here is a collection of some of the materials so far

I wanted to have a subtle colour range of deep blacks, charcoal greys and red, within this there is a combination of matt and gloss finishes.

beautiful charcoal grey box , gloss laquer finish (on wood)
(Lid of box will have black vinyl gloss ministry decal on the top)

200gsm dry mounted matt black dvd sleeves, (which will have high gloss black labeling)

thermal printed discs

charcoal foam

Big update to come very soon...

Thursday 14 May 2009


Print material on this project will be

> 1 or 2 A1 posters promoting the night, boy version and girl version
> 1 CD Sleeve Girl version
> 1 LP Sleeve Boy version

here is the finished boy version LP

that went off to print today

RAD printers in Gravesend

photo shoot this eve to get girl version done

Identity is to be kept the same through out, naked people because of 'birthday suit' idea' black background, same use of font,

dvd covers and packaging will feature similar styling

Wednesday 13 May 2009


Just got this from Yvonne

"Thanks for getting back to me and giving me the address for your blog. We really appreciate all the hard work you are doing on this project and we are very impressed with the results so far"

i am now currently working on a strapline for the end of the viral

which in Ministrys words,

"Remember we do want to push the boundaries here a little and talk to the audience who themselves may be turning 18 so it can be a bit naughty and provocative. It would be good if you could come up with some other ideas and send them back to me.

For the look of the poster you can be totally creative with that, we don’t have any real requirements other than that the Ministry of Sound logo should not be modified in any way.

Tuesday 12 May 2009


Recently i sent off my viral including the reactions from the people in the street and i am pleased to report that Ministry have really liked it

Yvonne sent this today

"Hey Reuben,
Got some more feedback for you on the viral. First of all, people like it and think it’s very well done but there should be more reference in there to 18 and the 18 logo, could this be added somewhere perhaps at the end?
I really like the latest version with more of the public’s reactions, this works really well!!"

Another question, did you actually go out and project this or did you just work on it afterwards? I’m going to show your stuff in a meeting this week and want to talk people through it"

she also asked for a link to my blog, which will be shown in the meeting this week.

I am really happy with Ministry's reaction to the work and i shall be adding the required elements to the viral for the 18 campaign.

Also took a trip to edithouse printers in kings cross who have an excellent way of printing artwork onto DVDs via thermal printing, i got some samples made up and they look very slick, details to think about for hand in

Was given this bespoke front by Andreas Neophytu from Six Creative to use for the design work for this project. The font has several weights, but this is the version i especially like

Its a great looking font, and whats very nice is that it has never been used before.
Very nice of andreas to give this to me

Saturday 9 May 2009


Both Yvonne and Simon from Ministry really liked the footage i had shot but both agreed there was a need for more reactions from the public

last night i went out on another streaking/stripping run down old street/shoreditch/hoxton with the team and caught some priceless reactions

On earlier runs we were fairly cautious with where and when we projected, but this time we opted for maximum impact putting the images right infront of people queuing for clubs and coming out of bars
large projections in very obvious places..

I don't want to give everything away, but here are some un edited clips and some stills from the footage taken last night

large scale projection over old st station

Another cool bit of news is that the viral will be running on the Ministry site once it is completed

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Sent off bespoke design to a custom sipmat printers and should be seeing results back in 2-3 days, will up date on arrival,

Monday 4 May 2009


A selection of Hi-Res images from a a photoshoot documenting the process of the projection from the car,

could be used for portfolio, a representative image for my work in the show or show look book and the packaging of the viral disc

Sunday 3 May 2009


Started new shoot but had to cut it short, shooting resumes monday, hope to get enough footage to finish viral

Tuesday 28 April 2009


Just wanted to show some of the footage from the studio sessions as they were great fun and look good, video edited down, thers not so much running in this one as you will see more of that when i do my projections, but i thought it was good to show some of the characters i was working with

Thursday 23 April 2009


Now that the viral is underway, and the process of projecting and filming has been worked out i can now turn my attention in between shooting to working on designs for the additional areas of the campaign. This will culminate as a poster/cd and lp cover design and also a special edition slip mat.

Slipmat animating when shot at 25 fps
was really keen to try and combine my streaker theme with this technique that i have used for a previous live project for Ministry of Sound.
What you are seeing is the sequential images of the streaker animating, using a similar principle to how a zeotrope works, only its the frame rate of the camera (25fps) that allows the animation to take place

concept work on lp design

I wanted the campaign to have a unisex feel. I know its more obvious to feature soley female models when nudity in campaigns is concerened. But i think Ministry is a unisex brand and has to appeal to everyone. therefore i want to provide a cover featuring both male and female models.

Monday 20 April 2009


Went out and shot some footage of the streakers, so so much fun i can't even tell you,
Here is some rough footage showing a couple of the streakers running through camden

Low res stills from the film

the reactions from people were priceless, but only having one camera i wasn't able to capture crowd reaction so well.

However, i am really happy that the technique works, this whole time i was unsure if it was even possible.

I am considering mounting the camera next time we go out to shoot, and also bringing along another car of camera people to film the peoples reactions to the streakers.

Going to go out earlier to catch more people on the street, as well as more high profile sites for projections to come

Also i sent the footage to Simon at Ministry who said

"this looks great, it works really well. I definitely think it needs more reactions though"

after i informed him about my plans to go out again, this time with a 2nd camera in order to capture peoples reactions he said:

"OK, brilliant. I think it's shaping up really nicely and am looking forward to seeing what you do next"

so all in all i am happy with Ministrys response to the work

Saturday 18 April 2009


Today is the maiden voyage of the portable projector unit,
i thought i would give some technical info about how it is possible for me to take the projector on the road


12v 110AH deep cycle battery, usually found in caravans, this will be the source of power for the projector


600W power inverter, this device changes the 12v DC from the battery into 240v AC which is the standard power for electrical appliances, this is what the projector will be plugged into


Bright 3500 lumens projector, this is obviously what my content will be projecting from, the model needs to be bright especially in the city where there is a lot of ambient light


This is a small power inverter, this plugs into the cars cigarette lighter, this is for powering the lap top when you are on the move, again this changes the car battery's 12v dc into 240v ac.

More photos/vids to come..

Friday 10 April 2009


Had a manic week shooting the footage of all ministry streakers.
i will have 8 characters shot by monday. 3 girls and 5 boys, great fun
This is the footage i will be 'drive by projecting' through the streets of london

Here is the credit crunch, streaker studio, complete with gumtree treadmill, an essential part of the studio construction.
The way it works is that the streakers are filmed running on the treadmill against a black background. The reason for this being black cannot be projected.leaving only the bright figures to be seen.

Here are a couple images of the 'studio'

here is a rough bit of footage to give you an idea what it looks like
the boys gaffa taped their 'bits' the black tape alows for good censorship when the time for projection happens. Also i wanted the rudeness to be intact but i am aware that i could get into some trouble if the footage was overly explicit
It also leaves enough to show that he is totally naked, so even if a logo or information was placed it would still have a good effect.
I also got the streakers to walk in some cases when the car would be traveling at slower speeds,
watch all the way through....

here are a very low res stills from the footage of some of the other streakers

here are a couple of images showing the images projected in my living room
testing the projector etc...

living room wall very bright sunlight outside curtains drawn
notice how the black vanishes when projected

had a quick go with the projector at night, couldnt get my full streaker image onto the neighbours house because there was a tree in the way (the image was also like 10 ft high!!) however i did get the video controls onto the side of the house, looks cool, you can image a streaker/stripper working in a similar way

heres a qick video of a strip projected on my garden wall

Thinking about other potential directions for the campaign and the streaker theme,
using a technique i used in a previous project for ministry, an 18 + streaker slipmat design could work really well as a promo item


i will make a video of this in action and post very soon